Vendor Application
Home » Vendor Application

Vendor Information

- All the items served must be vegetarian or vegan
- The deadline to apply is May 15, 2022, but Vendors will be considered in open categories until full. Early bird pricing till May 15, 2022.
- Any questions please contact us on 865-236-0898, or email us at

Vendor Information

The pricing below is for the entire 2-day event
Food Vendors and the public are required to use Food Vendor Tickets (FTs) in $1.00 increments for all purchases. NO CASH TRANSACTIONS ARE PERMITTED. Food Vendors will be paid by Knox Food Fest company check for the total dollar amount of their submitted Food Tickets minus 10% (ten percent). Any and all sales tax payments are the responsibility of Food Vendors, not Knox Food Fest.
Basic 10x10 location with a tent and one 6-ft table $250
Each additional tent $250
Additional Tables each $30
4 Chairs $15